blowing smoke: a blog

Sunday, June 29, 2008

4 more miles yesterday bringing the month to 46.5 and the year to 179. Unfortunately my dear wife and I are hosting a large family reunion this coming weekend, and my energy has to go to that. I will try to keep walking when I'm less tired than I am tonight, but no way I'm going to hit 200 by Friday. I still plan to hit it next week, and will figure out the next goal then. btw I have now averaged .984 miles a day for the year - we'll see if I can't double that for the second half.

Finished Lysistrata which was well worth reading. I'm having trouble reconciling 2 things. The first is that, while the Greeks obviously reproduced, I thought the entire culture valued love between 2 men as the ultimate love in all aspects. Yet in Lysistrata when the women withhold, the men apparently have no other sexual outlet. I'm missing something here, and am open to any enlightenment from my reader(s). Next up is actually a foreign affairs textbook from college No Common Power. It should be interesting to compare how they pictured the world and American power just after the First Gulf War with the delightful morass that is our reputation now. This will be interspersed with Great Books and probably some lighter reading to keep me moving along.

posted by Unknown | 1 comments

Okay, so I have been horrible about blog reading lately. I guess I have gotten caught up wallowing in my sorrows so I haven't checked up on your blog. Good for you with the walking. Sounds like you are dedicated. That's awesome. I want to start getting a little cardio in. I am getting my dog a stroller since his legs are so short and then he can go with me. :-)
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