blowing smoke: a blog

Saturday, May 31, 2008

This might seem like a copout, but I ended up spending a lot of time hauling art up and down stairs last night, which made me pretty tired this morning, so I'm giving myself credit for 1 mile yesterday plus the 2.5 miles I made it today, so for the month I'm only 49.5 (so close!) and for 2008 I'm at 132.5.

I wanted to think about the Plato books and find something more to comment on, but I've got nothing. Excellent style, and probably even more notable given the time, but I don't like the philosophy or the methodology. I'll be curious to see if Republic engages me more. For now, though, good new scifi is most excellent.

Sounds like they reached a compromise today in Florida and Michigan - all delegates seated with only half a vote, and Obama gets the uncommitted votes in Michigan (where Hillary was the only candidate who didn't withdraw her name as promised). It pleases the states and gives Hillary something to feel OK about without threatening Obama's still-solid lead. I would've even let the uncommitted's from Michigan decide who to vote for, but I think the leadership really wants this to end, and that could encourage her too much to stay in until Denver. There is no good answer in most of politics, but I think this worked pretty well. Naturally, after winning most of her points, Hillary's campaign is complaining they were robbed - I suppose being handed the keys to the White House is the only thing she'd settle for. Here's hoping issues occasionally raise their head as this goes on.

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