blowing smoke: a blog

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Watching American Idol's Idol Gives Back special tonight. Yep it's contrived, it's packaged, some people involved probably have more PR than philanthropic concerns, but they've raised over $20 million. The genius of this showis that you know exactly what you're going to get from everyone involved, and yet tens of millions of people schedule around it. Same thing with the special - it's as schmaltzy as you'd expect but it raises a lot of money for excellent causes, so more power to it. And Jimmy Kimmel was funny. Robin Williams, maybe not quite so much.

Finished the Pliocene Exile series - it was quite good. Looking forward to May's other 2 series, but taking a scifi break in between with My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok. It was a gift from the brother/sister-in-law, and I'm enjoying it so far.

I was one of 71 voters in my precinct to vote in yesterday's runoff - let's hear it for a 2.35% turnout rate!!! Naturally I voted for both losing candidates (although I think I'm glad one of them lost), but still part of the process. At least there wasn't another precinct convention to wait over an hour in. On the plus side, if voting rates continue this trend, someday my one vote will actually matter in some contest.

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