blowing smoke: a blog

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Quiet yet quasiproductive weekend. Watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which wasn't that great for me. I hear the big moments are better on a big screen/audio system. I can accept that - also, like 2001, I think it was much more impressive when it came out. I also saw Lucky You, a poker movie with Eric Bana and Drew Barrymore (and Robert Duvall, who I think should have gotten higher billing) that I don't believe made it to theaters. And it shouldn't have. Quite bad but excellent for in-movie commenting. Tonight I'm watching Return of the Jedi, with possibly the most applicable Star Wars quote for me: "I don't think the Empire had Wookies in mind when they built this thing."

I visited a church for the second time today - I think I like the pastor. Both of his sermons have thrown a new angle at me, and I like getting new stuff to think on. Specifically, in talking about Saul's conversion on the road to Tarsus, he pointed out how much the already-Christian Ananias was tested when he was called on to heal Saul - he had to overcome his fear of Saul turning him over to the Romans and forgive Saul for all he'd done against Christians, based on faith alone. Not an angle I usually hear on that story.

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