blowing smoke: a blog

Saturday, April 12, 2008

2 more miles this morning, so the new totals are 6 and 65.5. I was hoping for 4 since it's a Saturday, but the front outsides of my shins were hurting by the first half-mile, so I figure it was a good push. If I can keep up my gym attendance, I'm going to try to throw in some non-walking activities next week and see if that relieves the strain on the shins. On the plus side, I've also made it through an entire Newsweek and Science News in these 3 days, which is always fun.

Last night I finished My Name Is Asher Lev. I was surprised at how much I liked it - it was powerful, but I really disliked the protagonist and didn't feel the climax was a positive experience for everyone involved, not even a character-building one. It could just be that my mindset really isn't that of the artist - I don't know. I'd be interested in feedback from anyone else who read it. I think next up will be Surveillance as I kick off the next Julian May series - this one's only 2 books.

I'm feeling a bit of dissonance with my reading recently. I feel a strong impulse to DO more - get involved with organizations and/or projects, and part of the impetus is from my reading - I'm starting to realize I'm a sucker for the noble biography, even in magazine article form. Yet when it comes down to what I want to do, it's ALWAYS reading. Doesn't matter what kind - I have no trouble settling into magazines, fiction, non-fiction, religion, academic, whatever - but that seems to be my absolute default mode. Being with people in almost any context still surpasses reading, but it surprises me how little importance I end up attaching to other activities. Tough to tell where causes and effects stop in this, and from the inside my analysis is unreliably biased. But I'll see what I can figure out.

posted by Unknown | 1 comments

Suggestion: the eliptical machine is meant to reduce impact to your joints and is really good cardio
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