blowing smoke: a blog

Saturday, March 08, 2008

One thing that bothered me about the primary itself - one of my screens had a "Ballot Pledge". Most of it was the standard not-voting-in-any-other-primary thing, but it started with "I am a Democrat ...". I am pro-democracy and a far more devout democrat than many Democrats I know. I just didn't like the assumption in an open primary. It also reinforces my desire to have primaries/caucuses/anything but the final election out of government hands and pocketbooks - the government should not be dictating which parties are the default choices.

I'm always impressed at what Bush has been willing to veto - in this case waterboarding. Had it somehow eliminated something it shouldn't, great, but he seems more or less dedicated to formalizing torture in our operations. I'd be immensely surprised if we've stopped more attacks by torturing than we've inspired by our high moral standards of torture and lack of civil rights for any non-American (in all fairness, they tried not to discriminate and include American citizens in their POW definitions). Whoever wins, January 2009 can't get here fast enough.

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