blowing smoke: a blog

Monday, March 17, 2008

CNN has a poll they say shows Democrats prefer Obama for president over Clinton. I think I heard about a similar but more widespread poll: the primaries. But I'm glad CNN's catching up. I'm starting to think Clinton might get the Florida delegates seated - I really don't want to have to sit out the November elections but I'm not voting for anyone who pulls this crap.

Rather than Intervention, I started reading The Many-Colored Land which was May's first book in the Galactic Milieu series - I read this part last when I read these books before so it should be interesting to see how it fares in reverse order.

A joke came to mind in today's Java training class based on the instructor's frequent example. "Where'd you get that object?" "I pulled it out of MyClass." C'mon, techies, you know you laughed before you groaned.

What is required to call something a "new version" of a movie? The new I Am Legend DVD boasts "the version not shown in theaters." Unless Will Smith had a couple of months to film an entire movie that wasn't shown, I'm betting it's 10-15 minutes of "extra" footage? Except for LOTR, never seen extra footage that didn't obviously belong on the cutting floor.

posted by Unknown | 3 comments

You can always go with the dark side and with the "cleaner", or at least not as underhanded as 4 years ago, canidate.
I'm with you on HRC. In other news, did you catch the speech Obama gave today [03/18/2008] on "a more perfect union?" Very impressive. Be sure to read the transcript and avoid the Cliff's Notes versions paraded around in the stories about the speech, as they do not do it justice. It was a great speech, and I will be even more impressed with him if what I read regarding him writing it himself is true (and I see no reason to believe it not to be). This independent thinker finally has a candidate he can stand behind. He's not perfect, but neither am I.
Are we developing a bit of the WordsWorth Memorial Disorder?
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