blowing smoke: a blog

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Walked 3 miles Thursday for 31.5 miles + 1 bb for the month. Planning on heading to the gym today too - the magazines are piling up in my car - so we'll see how it goes.

Finished Bowling Alone, which was great analysis but so incredibly vague on recommendations that it almost induces hopelessness. It's optimistic in looking at previous periods of declining social capital that were always followed by upswings, but just gives vague "improve stuff" prescriptions that don't give an individual anywhere to make a start. Still certainly worth the read, though. After that, I've been reading The Android's Dream, on loan from Andy. Now this is good escapism sci-fi - good engaging story, enough character to support the story and keep me interested, and interesting science/world concepts that I hadn't considered before. And good references throughout, as should be obvious when I tell you the cover of the book is covered in sheep.

Wife's birthday is tomorrow, and I haven't gone shopping yet. Planning to today, but I feel kinda weird as I've usually planned more than I have for this one. It's been an insane few weeks, so I don't feel bad about it, but I wish I could've thought of more. Mebbe creativity will strike today. Stranger things have happened.

Thompson and Kucinich dropped out, the most noticeable effect being that their wives will no longer be featured on Daily Show/Colbert. Alas. South Carolina should be interesting - I think Hillary would wrap up the nomination with a win, while Obama could stay in it. If he does, I'm still hoping for electoral chaos. Same with the Republicans in Florida, although I won't mind seeing Giuliani call it quits if he gets wiped out there as well. Isn't it fun watching the end of so many political careers one way or the other?

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