blowing smoke: a blog

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I called the Georgia-Hawaii game, although I didn't think it would be that much of a disaster. Speaking of disasters, Oklahoma seems to be missing their shoplifting lineman as they're trailing West Virginia. I would've thought they'd win this easily, but sometimes I don't mind being wrong.

Gave up on a friend today. Not cutting her off or anything, just disappointed at the passive way she lets people control her life, seemingly against her will. But if she's not going to act on what she thinks or claims to, no point trying to persuade her to change or support the passive actions. Maybe I could convince her friends? btw, if I seem skeptical about my religion, hers are Christian friends exercising impressive amounts of judgement without any leavening of love or mercy. Yea church. Thank you to so many of you who demonstrate the reverse in your lives, regardless of belief.

Ouch, OU's down another touchdown. Would this loss to a team abandoned by its coach be uglier than being outgimmicked by Boise State? I think this comparison is worth serious investigation next time you're in town, Spence.

Workout update: 3 miles for January, 3 miles for 2008. When you get to the gym at 5:30, there are no New Year's Resolvers getting in the way. Unless I am one. That should make me uncomfortable tomorrow morning.

posted by Unknown | 1 comments

oh come on Hawaii just squeezed by a mediocre pac 10 team. Plus Georgia was playing the best football at the end of the season.

Oklahoma just plain looked out of sorts.

There are time when you have to say "I can't support you living this lifestyle and pull yourself out of the relationship." It hurts but people who know you understand that you won't back down from what you know to be right.

I'm dying....head cold day 4 I'm going to try and work maybe get some Pho today to help clear my head.
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