blowing smoke: a blog

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Following up on my earlier post, I walked 2 miles today, so 33.5 miles + 1 basketball for January. Depending on how much I walk tomorrow, I think I have a real chance at averaging 1.5 miles/day for the month. I think I might count basketball as 3 miles, which is conservative for 2 hours in a humid gym, so I'd be even closer. Any input from my readers? I think it's just Shane and Craig out there, but I could be surprised.

I love fog. Visibility was under a mile this morning, and I just love the effect. All week we've had interesting weather like that. I think it was Monday that clouds were all around the horizon in almost a ring. In every direction, houses were outlined by the dark clouds, but it was still open sky above. Dunno why little things like that get me. I like a lot of the shots my photographer friend has displayed here. I've bought one piece from him, and I'm looking forward to buying more.

Also I finished The Android's Dream this morning, and it did not disappoint even to the last chapter. Good stuff. Always take Andy's recommendations seriously.

Oh, and I figured out some ideas for Wife's birthday tomorrow - we'll see if she's as impressed with me as I am. :-)

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