blowing smoke: a blog

Thursday, January 03, 2008

And it looks like Iowa is going to Barack and Huckabee. It feels like they're the 2 I've been hearing the most about recently, but it's always tough to tell if I'm hearing about them because they're gaining momentum, or if they're gaining momentum cuz even a schlub like me is hearing more about them. The Newsweek Bump.

I'm glad Joe Biden and Chris Dodd are running, if for no other reason that every time Hillary says she's better than Obama because of her experience, they can harrumph to remind her they were working in goverment for decades before she ran for office. I'm pretty sure they'll drop out, if not tomorrow, then after New Hampshire, so I thought I'd mention them now. Tom Tancredo and Sam Brownback, we hardly knew ye before your early exits, but they were still far too late to keep your intolerance from further infecting the race. I'm kinda hoping Dennis Kucinich will step onto a UFO for his exit when he announces his withdrawal. One can hope.

Workout update: 6 miles for January and the year.

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