blowing smoke: a blog

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

3.5 miles tonight. My cousin made it 3, so the total stands at 11.5-10.5 with 3 days to go. We both have non-distance activities tomorrow, so I suppose it will be Friday and Saturday to decide it. For the month, I'm at 21.5 miles. We'll see how this pace goes.

Buh-bye, Governor Richardson. I liked Governor Bill for a lot of the campaign - the only Democratic candidate with actual appointed executive experience (Hillary-backers are welcome to debate this but he did have a Cabinet post and several high-level diplomatic missions). I thought from last summer that he had no chance to catch up with the better politicians and should just speak only in Spanish. Maybe he still couldn't have won, but it would have been fun to watch. Now I could see him on a VP short list, both for his ethnicity and his experience. I hope he's not done with public service yet.

I know Kucinich's alien masters won't let him drop out, but Gravel confuses me. I'm starting to think someone else signed him up and has just been taking him to appearances without telling him what he's doing, and he just thinks people want to see him. In all fairness, his electoral impact isn't that much less than John Edwards', quantitatively.

The Kalif's War is dragging a bit - it's more of a political book, which means more dialogue and characterization, and those are certainly not the series' strong points.

Ever had a coworker who'd developed such a pattern of insensitivity you just cringe whenever they walk up to you, even before they offend you? I've got someone like that right now who keeps saying things as though I'm not performing adequately. I was instructed to make clear in one meeting that her part was delivered on time. I should point out here my piece was delivered earlier and hers has had just as many mistakes since, but I'll try to keep facts from getting in the way. I can't tell how she'd react to being confronted on this assumption of my incompetence, and I don't really want to alienate someone I have to keep working with, but boy I want to bring out IntimidatorChuck. I'm told he's quite impressive.

posted by Unknown | 1 comments

i'm in nashville this weekend but next lets do a five mile loop around Town Lake or closer to home next saturday. It would be a good time to catch up.
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