blowing smoke: a blog

Monday, January 28, 2008

3 miles today, so 39 miles + 1 basketball for the month. Yea me.

Watched the first few minutes of the State of the Union, but was too disgusted to keep it on. I have much better-written fiction to read. I probably agree with more of his philosophy/policy than I care to admit, but claiming no one would call No Child Left Behind anything but a complete success? I'm pretty sure its cosponsors have disavowed it. Test scores have gone up - so have SAT scores, but those have been re-centered over 100 points. Focus on a metric, and all you get is superior metrics, not the reality supposedly measured by the metric. Anyway I'm now totally in favor of Congress just making sure his most effective use of time over the next year is to nap. On to anyone but him.

Someone at work got fired today. As in, called into a meeting and I assume escorted out as a foil-wrapped sandwich was left on his desk next to his monitor which appeared to be in mid-program, and his kids' art was still on the wall. Weird feeling around the office as most don't seem to know why - this was a good guy who seemed to be producing good work from what we could tell - which is just guaranteed to produce nervousness. I've already had one question come up that only he knew the answer to. Our execs have seemed pretty good about communication - I assume we'll find out enough to know if it's a general concern for all of us left, or something specific.

posted by Unknown | 2 comments

Firings of that sort are seriously spooky. Perhaps some kind of egregious HR issue like harassment or pr0n in the office? Hopefully they will let you know, keeping those things under wraps only feeds the rumor mill.
As an HR person I IMMEDIATELY think porn. I doubt he had access to the financials which is another biggie. Or perhaps he was a database guy with some money access?

Unfortunately most of the time you can't really say why, to protect him and the company. It's a big deal to escort someone in a firing and HR and the attorneys are on edge to defend themselves in case of a lawsuit.

-Elizabeth the all-knowing Thomas
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