blowing smoke: a blog

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Yep, it's been a long time. You may wonder what profound thoughts or important events inspired a new post. Is it my new house (woot!)? Is it selling the condo (happens tomorrow)? Is it interviewing for a new job (also tomorrow)? Have I figured out world peace?

Nope. I realized today why JK Rowling used dementors in her books. It's because she wished real life included this particular problem. Not so much the ghostly soul-suckers, but a problem that can be solved by chocolate. Almost everything in the world can solve some problem, but is there anything that chocolate is prescribed for? I'd settle for dementors in the world if only to accrue prescriptions for chocolate.

Was it worth the wait?

posted by Unknown | 3 comments

nah ;O)
woot! I can spam Charlie anonymously!
Oh Em Gee! I randomly stumbled on your bloginess! Who'd have thunk it?

FTR, chocolate does wonderful things for migraines for many people including me. The higher the cacao content the better so it's more 'medicinal chocolate' than anything truly savory - but the endorphin rush is spectacular!
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