blowing smoke: a blog

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Wow. Watching the debates tonight proved to me that anyone in Texas can dream of being Governor. And I mean anyone. A lifeless robot, a motivated but incomprehensible musician, a politician so slick snakes wouldn't turn their back on him, and a grandmother who believes imitating and calling out the snake is her best quality to express. I looked around the room, and saw eight people I'd rather have as governor. I suppose I'll have to find someone to vote for. I feel sorry for ideological conservatives though - Perry's just as liberal as Bell, he just wants to give handouts to corporations rather than the down-and-out. Kinky's probably the only real conservative, and he plans to declare martial law in border counties so he can send in National Guard troops to secure the border. Yep, martial law - this isn't taken out of context - he confirmed it.

Yee. Haw.

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