blowing smoke: a blog

Monday, August 21, 2006

In the spirit of Instant History and VH1 reality shows, I present to you: Best Decade Ever. (I know you were hoping for Flavor of Chuck, but you'll have to settle.) (Also, I know this shoulda been a few weeks ago, but I'm slowing down in my old age.)

Things I Did For The First Time Last Decade:
Made more than $12/hour (apologies to all the teachers out there).
Visited New Orleans, Padre, Richmond, Seattle, Boston (woot Cape Cod!), Greenville/Farmville, NC; Minneapolis, Indianapolis, San Mateo.
Pulled 2 all-nighters.
Graduated from college.
Bought a car.
Bought furniture.
Got a career kinda job.
Had a non-college roommate (all kinds of subcategory firsts here).
Quit a job (and maybe a couple more).
Picked up a hitchhiker.
Got drunk (some might dispute this definition, as I remember the whole night and didn't do anything embarrassing).
Drove to DC and back, both in 24-hour stretches, and picked up a cat on the way home.
Bought a home.
Online dated.
Read the Bible.
Went to NCAA Regional Final games (watching UT cut the nets).
Cheered for the Colts.
Bought jewelry (in this case, a diamond ring).
Got married.
Drove to campus to celebrate a national football championship.

Things I Remember Happening In The Last Decade:
A commentator the night of Princess Diana's death talking about how no fuss would be made if Mother Theresa died, then Mother Theresa dying the next day, and the fuss felt obligatory as the commentator's clip was replayed ad nauseam.
My parents getting online, which still seems somewhat unreal.
Harry Potter.
9/11: I was taking the day off work in Houston to come to a scholarship dinner back in Austin. I was looking for something on TV to watch when I noticed CNN looked different. That afternoon, I tried to give blood, but every blood bank had more people than they could handle. That evening, I had to drive to Austin and back, and the silence was eerie.
Lord of the Rings movies (we'll ignore the other "major" trilogy).
Some TV actually worth watching: 24, Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Family Guy, Firefly, Freaks and Geeks, Prison Break, Veronica Mars, West Wing.
Vince Young.

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