blowing smoke: a blog

Sunday, July 02, 2006

If I ever run a D&D game, or write any book with magical items, I'm going to include the Glasses of Identity Hiding. "Too super to go about your daily life? Afraid women will be intimidated by your powers? Put on these glasses, and not only will no one notice your famous physical features, they won't even remember much of anything about you. As an added bonus, no one will ever notice that your blase identity is always in the same town as you, but never in the same room." Ah, comic books.

Anyone want to burn a flag today? I don't - heck, I think it's a pretty stupid form of expression to damage property, but if stupid (even hurtful) expression can be made illegal, there goes most stand-up comedy, a lot of blogs, several cable networks, and (admittedly this is an upside) most politicians' speeches. Scott Adams has a great post on how odd it is for government to focus on this when it hasn't solved any of the problems it's supposed to address - education, foreign policy, budget, etc.

I noticed 2 Republicans voted against the amendment in the Senate - one's Lincoln Chafee, a fairly non-conservative from Rhode Island, and the other was #2 Republican Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. I know he says he opposed it on free speech grounds, but I can't help wondering if the Republican leadership was more interesting in painting Democrats as anti-patriotism in the fall than actually passing a silly, useless amendment. If so, it was executed perfectly. If not, then I might have a little hope if/when McConnell takes over the Republicans in the Senate this fall.

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