blowing smoke: a blog

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I saw X3 this weekend. I never thought an Oscar winner wouldn't be up to the acting requirements of an action flick, but Halle Berry managed to once again limbo below the minimum standard. Maybe she's still upset that Catwoman stunk so bad so she decided to wreck this film. Fortunately Hugh Jackman and Ian McKellen continue to justify the entire movies, and I also still like Captain Picard. One friend came up with the perfect word to express the problem with this movie as compared to the first two: maudlin. The music was overpoweringly cheesy at wrong moments, and the dialogue didn't make any friends either. The change in director really hurt it. Fun story, though, and I never wondered how long I'd been there, so definitely fun. And the scene after the credits was nice too.

Last night, for a bit of change of pace, we went to go see Over the Hedge. Toy Story should sue for the character development piece of the plot, but then I guess it wasn't exactly original then either. Well-drawn, great voices, some really witty moments - it was a pretty good flick.

See, I do something besides rant and overgeneralize politically. :-)

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