blowing smoke: a blog

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hello from California! People seemed to think I should visit the home office, so I'm at the mothership for 3 days at an approximate cost of $700 to the company. Is it worth it? We'll see. But I'm sure they enjoy my shining happy face.

It was my first flight since Vancouver in December. No bad ear experiences, although I forgot the nasal anti-pressure spray - should get some of that for the return trip. And the person in the middle seat next to me didn't show up, so was as close to comfortable as airplanes get.

It's my first time in San Francisco. I think we're going to a good sushi place one night, and the other I hope to get an In-N-Out burger - I've heard a lot about them. Also will try to hit a 7-11 to see if California 7-11s provide fresh sushi like Hawaiian ones do. Sushi and Slurpee - can you beat that with a stick? Didn't think so.

I am now reading The Rise of The West, a historical overview of the rise of civilization. It was written in the 60s, so focuses more on direct ancestors of the glorious American democratic capitalist tradition, but it's a lot more information than I had before, so yay! I also packed A Canticle For Leibowitz in case the history is too heavy and I just need fiction.

For readers (are there more than one?) who know the Hedges, Quinn Eowyn was born on Friday, June 17. They've already got a great pictures page up at

posted by Unknown | 1 comments

In and OUt's are over rated. You like Italian there's a great italian restaurant across the street from the Stinkin Rose.

Coming to a WalMart near you: Sushi. That's what happens when you buy a piece of a japanese retail store.
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