blowing smoke: a blog

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Wow! The Cavs are up 3-2 over the Pistons, which goes to prove we have to play the games to know the results. Dunno if they can maintain it, but it's fun watching Detroit lose. Sadly, the Spurs could be knocked out tonight, but it's made for amazing basketball. These playoffs have been better than I could have ever hoped.

Management of the Absurd was good - here's a quick summary on things I found enlightening or good illustrations/phrasings of things I knew before (my phrasing, just in case this would embarrass Richard Farson):
1) Solving problems in the office doesn't stop complaints - it just changes them.
2) Some negative factors are problems that can be solved, others are predicaments that must be endured.
3) Any technique loses effectiveness as long as you're using it as a means. You know when someone flatters you to get something vs. honestly praising you.
4) Big changes are easier to imploement and more effective than small ones.
5) Whenever another person is involved, you have no control - possibly more power, but never control.
6) People want more of what they already have rather than something new.

Dunno what's next - I'm reading this week's Newsweek and then will figure it out. I've been a bit serious lately, so I think it might be fiction. We'll see.

I watched Bush's immigration address on Monday night. I liked his approach - seems like a middle road that tries to shut down the illegal border-crossing, and recognizes both the economic value of current illegal immigrants and the difficulty of removing them. I just wish I trusted him (and Congress) to follow through it.

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