blowing smoke: a blog

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A few thoughts I wanted to share:
1) Management of the Absurd is better than I gave it credit for. More on it later.
2) Arthur C. Clarke's third law in Profiles of the Future is: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. But science fiction is far more separated from fantasy. I don't know why, but science fiction seems fairly pessimistic about the future, but something about the human race (usually our adaptability or luck or something else out of our mind's control, but occasionally our conscience or something more distinguished) causes us to survive and eventually triumph. Fantasy is more hopeful of the future, but less positive about the human race - usually the continuance of the species has to do with the support of other beings, sometimes supernatural. Maybe because so much of fantasy is derived from Tolkien's heavily Christianized work? No idea.
3) Watched the Spurs lose to the Mavs tonight (uggh!), but was amused at the Texas themes the TV broadcasters were using. One team led by a Virgin Islander, a Frenchman, and an Argentinian played against a team led by a German missing his Canadian sidekick. I don't even know if a single player/coach in the series grew up in Texas - it's just their office. But still country western music played over the intros and montages. Yee haw.

No idea why the burst of expression today. Mebbe it'll keep up with me.

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