blowing smoke: a blog

Monday, January 09, 2006

Woohoo! Major Applewhite is now offensive coordinator at Rice. Congratulations to him as 26 is pretty young for that kinda gig, even at Rice. A little worried that he'll be coaching against UT for the next couple of years, and if anyone knows and can help the defense exploit our biggest weakness, offensive coordinator Greg Davis, it's Major. On the other hand, maybe he can show up Greg Davis and become Mack's offensive coordinator/heir apparent earlier than we'd ever imagined. Regardless, congratulations, Major.

Someone guessed that my lack of blogging and reporting on exercise probably indicated a lack of exercise. Good point. So for the record, this morning was 1.1 miles in 10 minutes (angle 20, resistance 13) - had the energy from more, but my knee was sore, and at my size, I can't take a chance with knees and feet. Also managed a set and a half each of situps/leg lifts.

I signed up for a class that started this morning from Barnes&Noble University on The Founding Brothers. I already owned the book, so I'm sure they're regretting providing the course for free (other students mentioned in their introductions getting the book from Amazon). :-) It's supposed to be a great book, and I'm looking forward to the interaction with students and teacher, even online, to see if I can muster the discipline for even minimum classes again. Should be an interesting experiment.

I also used to update what I was reading - the main ones that have stuck with me are Genomics (great recommendation from Wife on basic genetic science), The Plot Against America (could've been a lot shorter but still solid), The Thief Lord (can't recommend it - might be good for middle schoolers, but its recommendation based on liking Harry Potter is a joke), Darwin's Radio (good genetic science fiction from Greg Bear) . . . I know I've read more in the last 6 months, but everything that wasn't a re-read (the first 6 Dragonlance, enough Xanth to convince me to give away my Piers Anthony books) isn't springing to mind. If it does, I'll letcha know. Currently I'm reading Life of Pi, which is really good. (No, it's not about math, although that definition of Pi is referenced.)

btw I saw our illustrious VP checked into the hospital last night. I don't know about you, but I'm on the edge of my seat awaiting God's detailed explanation of the sins that caused his illness, always delivered without editorial by Glorious Prophet Pat Robertson.

To revive one last old tradition, What I'm Thankful For: 1) Wife, 2) a YMCA that has the machines I like to use, plus racquetball and basketball courts, 3) Internet - it's brought me several jobs, a wife, this fantastic communication medium, and just generally seems to help out.

posted by Unknown | 2 comments

Glad to have you back!! And way to go Major!!!! I guess I kind of have to root for Rice a bit - except when they play us! :-D
You know when you mentioned the book at lunch I thought I had heard of it. It's sitting on my desk at home with 1776, neither of which I have read.
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