blowing smoke: a blog

Thursday, January 05, 2006

I'm a bad, bad blogger. Fortunately most of the 5 or so of you who read this aren't much better. ;-) So I'll now join the Resolution Re-bloggers (think we outnumber January gym memberships?) because I can't keep one inside (and no - this isn't about Pat Robertson labeling Sharon's stroke an act of divine retribution, I know God's merciful because Pat didn't get one himself for saying that).

We won.

Not we as in me having anything to do with it, I know, but I am a fan and am thus celebrating the 2005 National Champion Texas Longhorns. The game was one of the best championships ever, with one of the most outstanding individual performances as Vince Young led us through and struck Heisman poses just to remind the voters of the December travesty. It was great fun watching with Laura, Chris, and Andy, although I think Laura was a bit worried when the three of us were all pacing in the living room for the last 5 minutes. The cats were definitely freaked out.

After the penultimate moment, I noticed the tower was orange and I thought I could make out a 1 from Mopac@183, so Laura agreed to my insane idea to head towards campus. Well, I-35 was backed up almost to 51st, and people were leaning out of their cars, hookin' em, honking, and just all-around celebrating. I opened the sunroof (I do like Laura's car!) and hooked em high for a small stretch of highway and then as we cut over to Duval. We got to 27th where we had a straight view of the tower - there was no 1, but it was fully orange and very, very cool.

Guadalupe South was backed up past 38th Street - people were running through the streets, high-fiving hands out of cars, horns were going wild, and it was just one of the most positive crowd feelings I've ever gotten. We went North as we prefer to observe and head out rather than get stuck in the middle, but I kept the hookem going through the sunroof and helped instigate other horns and honking. (It should be noted that while I hooked my lil heart out, I didn't honk - that was Laura.) One of Laura's friends saw us, so I even got to embarrass her in front of people she knew. Good times.

So today's been fun watching everyone eat crow and ESPN rush out a "Where does Texas rank among the top teams of the last decade?" to try to make up for last week's "Where does USC rank among the top teams of all time?", but being down near campus, even if only for a few minutes, will be my favorite memory of this whole experience.

We won.

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