blowing smoke: a blog

Friday, November 11, 2005

*sigh* I love the news, really I do. This story, however, probably got me the angriest I've ever been reading a news story. In short, Robertson is telling Pennsylvania that they have abandoned God and that he might not be there when they call on him after the Apocalypse of natural disasters they're about to suffer.

I'm a Christian, and a fairly conservative one theologically. I also have enough brain cells to understand the difference between science (defined as the study of observable phenomena unless you're in Kansas) and philosophy (questions of the unempirical, like whether the universe requires an Intelligent Designer). More importantly, I've also read that little black book Robertson keeps throwing around, and God's got this nasty little habit of forgiveness. In case God's not in favor of intellectual honesty (and if you think he's not, look how Jesus cut through the Pharisees' Gordian knots), I think He still just might answer heartfelt pleas of repentance.

For Robertson's sake, I hope so. For someone who's advocated murder for politics (assassinating Venezuela's elected president), and prayed for an opening on the Supreme Court just before Rehnquist died (something must've jerked his prayer targeter to the right unexpectedly), unconditional grace better be in the cards.

If any of my readers see these stories and roll your eyes at "Christians," please know that a vast majority of us are not represented by this man and his toadies.

posted by Unknown | 4 comments

The man's a turd. He deals in religious pornography and makes people twice the sons of hell as he is. If he spent more time reading his bible, taking care of the poor and needy and being a follower of Christ like he is called and wears as his moniker he wouldn't have time to be a political arse.

Good to see you blogged. Thought you might have fell off the superhighway and you couldn’t get back up.
Sorry to miss you this weekend in town! Hope you and Laura had a fabulous anniversary, and looking forward to seeing y'all in a few weeks! Much love!
So what, married men can't blog anymore? Grr.

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