blowing smoke: a blog

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Yep, blogging's definitely slower when I'm not at a job that gives me broadband access with little to do. The new job is so far fun learning experience. It has its pluses and minuses, but I am certainly enjoying it.

Today I'm 29 (really). Woohoo! Fiancee was incredible, finding some very old military history books (printed in the 1880s) that are pretty cool. Just have to read them without destroying them. And met the parents for lunch at Waterloo, which was fun. They gave me an executive pass to Zach Scott, so I suppose it's time to heap on the culture - Shear Madness, anyone?

Did something to the soft muscle around my ribs a week and a half ago playing basketball. Whatever's wrong hurts, but not bad enough to indicate a fracture, so I'm just hoping I heal by the wedding.

Which is right around the corner, and the reason I'm not blogging in off-work hours. Not so much wedding details (although there are a ton!), but also moving Fiancee's stuff in (she's done almost all of the design/organization work, which has turned out quite well!), and just juggling all kindsa stuff.

Speaking of which, thanks to Chris for pulling together a bachelor party that was a lot of fun yesterday. Went to MainEventUSA where we raced and air hockied and laser-tagged a group of 10-year-olds into oblivion, then the Salt Lick (yes I'm still in a glorious meat coma!), and then video games at a friend's house. Any bachelor party involving 4 Slurpees just for me and the words "Super Monkey Ball Fight" has to be good. And it was.

I needed some escapist reading, so I'm re-reading my Xanth books to determine where the series went bad so I can give away the books that were written after that point. The early stuff was really cool, although Piers Anthony seems more desperate to include sexuality in his writing than I remember. Perhaps I just didn't notice as much in middle school.

Dunno if you'll hear much more from me in August, but I'll try to get a routine going some time in September. Since married life is supposed to be exclusively blissful and complication-free and all.

What I've Learned: 1) First phone calls don't always resolve everything. 2) Almost every day I realize I'm even luckier than I imagined to be marrying Fiancee.

I'm Glad About: 1) Birthdays are fun! 2) New Company's database was actually designed with database programming in mind - could be a first in IT history.

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