blowing smoke: a blog

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Accountability: Well, no one was available to play on Saturday and the holiday threw a wrench into exercising plans. And today, sadly, work interfered with racquetball. Would go to the gym tonight but it looks like I'm playing racquetball tomorrow morning, so I should just stick with that.

Woohoo! Got a new job I'll be starting in a couple of weeks. And the non-profit database project hopefully can be the beginning of my career shift in that direction. I hope that works out well. Interesting summer: new job, new non-profit gig, new cat, new wife (not that I have any old ones lying around). This pretty much rocks. And so no one has to ask, no, that was not in order of importance.

Currently Reading: Wrapped up the first set of Montaigne's essays last night. His essay on education pretty much says that reading it's not enough, I have to use it in something original to consider myself educated by it. Hope this is original enough. ;-)

I started to reread Order of the Phoenix last night in preparation for my blitz on Half-Blood Prince next weekend. Interesting reading will be slower as I'm reading a PL/SQL Tuning/Optimization book for the new job and an Access 2003 for Dummies for the other project after that. Will still keep my fiction going, but the pace could subside.

What I've Learned: 1) I'm not interested enough in money to take on an as-needed consultant gig for the current job after I leave. 2) Hash joins are useful for antijoins. 3) Christian Bale looks kinda pouty in the Batmask.

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