blowing smoke: a blog

Friday, July 01, 2005

Accountability: Behold the power of the jinx! Made it 2 miles in just over 18 minutes this morning, then the weights (improved to all 3 sets of arm curls at 100 pounds, although the last two didn't curl very much).

First Supreme Court appointment in 11 years is about to happen - I'd kinda like a balance of 3 conservative, 3 liberal, 3 moderate, but I think we've seen how pretty much every administration of the last years values balance. Odds on a non-lawyer getting appointed? I'd hope not, but would we really be surprised?

Been thinking about education, between school finance "plans" (more of a hope and a dream) and reading Montaigne - are schools supposed to prepare us for life, or just stimulate intellectual growth? It seems we're pushing more of the former in there, and it matches what I'm seeing in the workplace. In school, I remember lessons and, if you finished your work early, you could play (if the teacher was nice), so leisure was only a by-product of the best and fastest work. Somehow adult life feels similar - Enjoy life! But only once you've built your career/bought a house/raised the kids. I'm not advocating throwing off responsibilities, but it seems life would be better if it balanced productivity and leisure, exploration and safety, rather than assigning certain times of life for each end of the spectrum. Just a thought.

What I've Learned: 1) Time really starts to fly with a big project looming on the horizon (this is more being remembered now from college). 2) Data, or at least testimony, can be found to support any claim you'd like. 3) People still forward hoax emails with reckless abandon.

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