blowing smoke: a blog

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Gonna try something in most if not all posts from here on out: What I've Learned being 3-5 possibly consequential things I've discovered.

What I've Learned: 1) I wear a size 12 ring. 2) Similar to the matter-antimatter equilibrium, every cost carries with it hidden costs. 3) I'm not sure what people refer to by the good ole days in a moral sense - crassness/greed/envy has always been present and usually pretty available to the masses.

Hmm, that was enlightening. Or not. But it stopped me and made me think before I typed, which is always good.

Accountability: Made it 3.3 miles in 30 minutes on the treadmill this morning. I think that might be where I leave it for a while until it's too easy, and then might increase the resistance rather than the time.

Howard Dean called the GOP "pretty much a white, Christian party." Not to disagree with him, but I think the main difference is the Democratic party restricts white Christians to its leadership? Unless there's been a non-white, non-Christian Presidential candidate I'm not aware of (and I believe at least the last few national chairs have been as well). Even more impressive that the GOP Party Chair is Jewish. The sad thing is, by making it a potshot generalization, Dean missed the chance to make serious comments about the fact that the GOP is only concerned with representing white Christians, and try to differentiate the Dems' approach (not that I've personally seen much of a difference in approach, just in success).

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