blowing smoke: a blog

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

It's been a little while - went out of town this weekend and have been catching up. Ever felt you didn't have enough red dust in your life? Want roads in such bad condition you can trip just walking across them (actually happened, although not to me)? Then I can heartily recommend Oklahoma! Good folks (at least my relatives - probably also other people I haven't met), but that's about all that's there to recommend it. Although I did see a portable building (yep, like schools use) advertised as a casino. That's high class.

Got a quick rant. We went to get tuxes yesterday. There was a, er, enthusiastic salesman who really did his job poorly, from engaging the customer to making knowledgeable recommendations to fully understanding the paperwork, he botched most steps. Fortunately the other guy stepped in and it worked out well. Then we get to the receipt, and for the first time, I am made aware (only because I read the receipt) that every tux has a cleaning charge in addition to the price. You'd think a fee that is approximately 10% of the price would be mentioned at some point in the process. The cost doesn't even change my mind about using them, but I almost want to cancel the order since they do business that way.

Yeah, yeah, everyone does business that way. Congratulations to them for inching over the so-high standards we hold businesses to. On a less-sour note, congrats to several of our vendors (most notably Stems & Icing, StudioJ Photography) who have done a stellar job of making all their costs known up front.

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