blowing smoke: a blog

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Accountability: Yeah, didn't feel so great this morning. Not a valid excuse, just the reason I didn't hit the gym. See what I get for calling it a streak yesterday?

Texas has solved school financing! Of course, they haven't done anything about funding it, just reduced the tax rate ceilings and promised more money. Seriously, my job would be so much easier if I could just promise people their computers would work better without actually doing anything to make them work better.

I know no one likes to think about it, but I think I'd vastly prefer a flat income and business tax (no loopholes so we can raise the floor of who pays as high as possible) with the promise (not a lottery promise) that it's all being invested in education and infrastructure. The short-term would be rocky, but it would make Texas a much better place for citizen-employees and companies in fairly short order. I'd also suggest an estate tax, but then everyone would claim to be a Maine resident to avoid paying it. I know some people don't like the estate tax, but aren't most of the protesters the same ones who say welfare recipients should be pulling themselves up by their bootstraps? Do the same!

Things I've Learned: 1) I will probably never be able to run for office after this post. 2) Bad school administrators can wreak incredibly disproportionate damage. 3) Legos are a fun "background activity" - something to do with your hands while you're focusing elsewhere.

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