blowing smoke: a blog

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

It feels kinda odd - I know there's as much hype out there for this Star Wars movie as there was for the last two, but I don't feel as over-hyped. Maybe I'm less exposed to it, watching less TV or less movies or something (one of the best things about books - no ads!). Or maybe my friends are moderating expectations after double disappointment.

I've noticed how much I enjoy something depends a lot on who I'm with at the time and/or who I discuss it with. Bad movies are infinitely enjoyable (seeing Mortal Kombat with a dozen dormers who stood up and danced every time the theme song came on - fortunately the 2 other people in the theater could see around us), or movies with something good about them can be remembered as boring. I suppose it's another instance of the simple rule I first learned in the video game Civilization - the important thing is the people, everything else is just gravy.

Trying to step back and consider principles, whether for Sameer's government overhaul or just life in general. I still cling to one solid principle - loving God and loving people is the source of everything that's good in life (for people who don't believe in the first, the second is still usually what brings out the best in them). But what the heck does that mean in a daily manner? In the Gospels, everything in Jesus' life is about meeting/helping/talking with/teaching people. I can't imagine a job/life like that, but I can't help thinking it's worth investigating.

For the moment, I think I have these as general principles:
Love - not just romantic, although that's being more fun than I ever expected :-), but by default valuing and respecting all people brings out the best in them and me
Social - if you're not interacting with the people, the love's kinda empty
Active - if you're not doing something, you're wasting time/space continuum
Informed - gotta know what's going on around you at all levels
Educated - it's so easy to get lost in the minutiae, even the minutiae of good and valuable things, that it takes effort (for me, at least) to return to the bigger things for more thought and outside enlightenment

But all things are subject to change.

Wish me luck - 2 hours until 2 older guys punish me for pretending I belong on a racquetball court.

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