blowing smoke: a blog

Sunday, May 15, 2005

First off, if anyone's interested in a little political experiment, a friend of mine is considering running for Congress, and is using a blog to explore his ideas - check him out here. He's smart and (usually) funny, so I'm looking forward to this online conversation.

Still reading Gargantua - I'm not sure how this is considered a Great Book. There's clever wordplay (much of which I'm sure I'm missing in the translation from French), but it's mostly the medieval equivalent of fart jokes (including some actual fart jokes). I'm only 30 pages in, so hopefully I'll understand more of its timelessness as it continues.

Saw Crash this weekend - it was a great movie. A little gimmicky in places, but I never rolled my eyes. Good writing - both the dialogue and the overall plot threads, good acting, interesting subjects. Probly the best movie I'll see this week, even (especially?) with Star Wars 3 at midnight on Wednesday.

And, of course, it's proof that some people don't deserve good art. One person was overheard gushing on her cell phone "It's the most important movie I've ever seen! You must see it, and all your friends! And you can't just think about it for a day and leave it behind - you must always remember it!" It has some great thoughts worth remembering, and far more worth serious consideration, but it outlined a serious problem in all of its shades of grey, it didn't recommend anything to solve it. Maybe that would be a better use of time than rote memorization. And then, this morning show genius talked about the plotline with the "Iraqi" when the first piece of that plotline was about his being mistaken for Iraqi when he was actually Persian (didn't establish his nationality, I don't think). Sorry for the rant - it's a good movie, and I'd enjoy hearing anyone's thoughts about it. Personal communications will not be published on the blog without permission, if anyone's afraid they could end up in a rant.

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